Kim Kong Kimchi Love

Kim Kong Kimchi Love

It’s been confirmed, I’m officially addicted to Kim Kong Kimchi! It was instant kimchi love! Incredible yummy side dish with a great spicy kick. Although slightly expensive to eat every day, it is cheaper than other brands and you do get what you pay for which is a great tasting, homemade, vegan, locally produced (if you live in the UK) kimchi. I love it! Final verdict 9/10

Suzie @ Conscious Vegan (full review)

Kim Kong Kimchi

Suzie @ Conscious Vegan (full review)

It’s been confirmed, I’m officially addicted to Kim Kong Kimchi! It was instant kimchi love! Incredible yummy side dish with a great spicy kick. Although slightly expensive to eat every day, it is cheaper than other brands and you do get what you pay for which is a great tasting, homemade, vegan, locally produced (if you live in the UK) kimchi. I love it! Final verdict 9/10